Thursday, October 21, 2010

Homeschool Curriculum for the Year

Our homeschool year is clicking along quite smoothly and for that I am one grateful mom! Last year felt a little bit like I was repeatedly being slid across a cheese grater every day, so this year's relative ease is appreciated and warmly welcomed.
We changed all the curriculum except math. We've continued to use Math-U-See and Paul is in the Beta book this year. A Beka was our resource of choice last year for language arts and reading. This did not work the best for us but I know there are people who love A Beka and I think that is wonderful! After ceremoniously recycling every single piece of A Beka curriculum in our home (Yes, last year was that bad!) we began using English for the Well Trained Mind by Mary F. Hyde. The lessons are brief and user friendly for both mother and son. For reading, we're using lots of library books and Hooked on Phonics, which sounds kind of weird I suppose. But, he's learning and I'll take it!
We added geography and science this year, too. We are using Apologia science and will be studying astronomy for the entire year. We're currently learning about the sun. Our fact of the day today: 1,000,000 Earths would fit inside the sun! I appreciate the conversational tone of Apologia's textbooks and the student notebook is easy to use as well. Saving the best for last, we are using Galloping the Globe for geography. We are all learning and we all love it! The book is authored by Loree Pettit and Dari Mullins. It could be used as a unit study for K-4th graders, but I'm just using it for geography right now. Everything you need to teach young students about many of the world's countries can be found in this curriculum. It includes library book lists, reproducible worksheets, maps, flags and dozens of activity ideas. It's written from a Christian perspective and for many of the countries, books about missionaries who worked and lived in that specific country are included. I appreciate how straightforward it is to use and the ease with which I can pick and choose the activities I want to use for my learners.
At this point I must shamelessly advertise for Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources! It's where we purchase all of our homeschool supplies, with the exception of the Math-U-See books. Their advice and recommendations are solid and reliable and their prices very competitive. I highly, highly recommend them to anyone!

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